Breathing Exercises, Guided Sound Meditation, subliminal affirmations

How Subliminal Sound Affirmations Help You Accept Changes That Aren’t Under Your Control?

Life keeps on changing every second. And, we as humans have such a wonderful ability to adapt to the changes of life that we don’t even notice the changes happening around us, especially those which are under our control. But when it comes to adapting to the changes which aren’t under our control e.g. the loss of a job, break up in relationships, the death of a loved one or unexpected job transfer; we often face a lot of difficulty.

I experienced this thing first hand when I was in studying in high school. My father was a government servant at that time and he unexpectedly got transferred to a new city, which was a small hill station. Everyone in our family was so excited about living at a beautiful hill station, including my 2 siblings. But I was literally freaked out when I heard that we will be moving to a new place soon. It was quite difficult for me to accept the reality that we have to leave the city where we were living for the last 6 years and it was hurting me a lot.

When we moved to the new place, it took me almost 4 months to overcome my attachment to the old city and adapt to the new one. But during those 4 months, I learned the biggest lesson of my life: Life will keep on changing and we must learn to adapt to those changes especially when things aren’t under our control. So here are some lessons which I learned while adapting to an expected change that wasn’t under my control.

  • Always expect a change in your life.
  • Always be ready to accept the change.
  • View the change as a great chance to experience new things.
  • Replace your doubts, fears, and negativity with a positive outlook.
  • Take inspiration from other people life.

While all these aforesaid lessons are extremely helpful in adapting to the changes which aren’t under your control, another effective way to adapt to the sudden changes of your life which aren’t under your control is using subliminal sound affirmations. Subliminal sound affirmations are a great way to change the negative mindset which you have acquired over the years into a positive one.

Heal My Life | Sound Meditation, Mindfulness, Breathing App, Subliminal Affirmations

Heal My Life is very useful meditation app that allows you to record and hear subliminal sound affirmations in your own voice. And, the best thing about this app is that it comes with a unique subliminal affirmation for every challenge and goal of the life. So what are you waiting for? Start embracing the sudden change of your life by downloading the Heal My Life Meditation App for Android or Heal My Life Meditation App for iOS today. To know more about Heal My Life Meditation App, visit

Breathing Exercises, Guided Sound Meditation, subliminal affirmations

How to Build Courage? Here Are Some Useful Courage Building Tips!

You want to live your life to the fullest. You have so many good ideas for your life. But if you don’t have the courage to make things happen, you can’t live your life to the fullest. If you want to go for the secure option just due to the uncertainty of an end result, you can never succeed in life. Because success comes with a certain amount of risk and you must have the courage to take that risk.

Just like success, courage building is also a process. If you don’t have the courage, you will need some time to build it. If you have any vision for your life, you need the courage to make it happen.

So now the question comes: How can you build courage?

Courage building is a simple process, but it requires a lot of hard work as well. If you want to build courage, you need to step out of your comfort zone. Here, take note of the fact that you don’t need to go out anywhere to find the courage. It lies within you. Courage building is purely an internal thing.

Here are some useful tips to help you with the courage building process.

  • Have Confidence in Your Abilities
  • Have the Guts to Face Your Fear
  • Take the Action Now
  • Set Small Targets/Goals
  • Be Positive & Work Hard

Remember: You can’t do courage building just by talking about it. You must have the commitment to achieve it. You need to take action now. You must be ready to face your fear. You must be ready to take all the risks. Only then you can build courage. Only then you can achieve the goals of your life. The best way of courage building is practicing meditation for courage building. And the good news is that you don’t need to attend any meditation classes for the courage building.

Heal My Life | Sound Meditation, Mindfulness, Breathing App, Subliminal Affirmations

All you need to do is download the Heal My Life Meditation App for Android or Heal My Life Meditation App for iOS. This app will not only teach you the meditation techniques for courage building but it will also allow you to do guided meditation for courage building from the comfort of your home. To know more about the Heal My Life Meditation App, visit

Breathing Exercises, Guided Sound Meditation, subliminal affirmations

How to Use Subliminal Messages to Unleash the Power of Your Subconscious Mind?

When you are unable to make a positive change in yourself despite making your best efforts, your negative mindset is preventing you from doing that, and you need to replace it with a positive one. This could be done easily by unleashing the power of your subconscious mind. Subliminal messages are the best way to reach your subconscious mind and unleash its immense power to make a positive change in you and achieve the goals of your life.  Here are 4 effective ways to unleash the power of your subconscious mind using subliminal messages to make a positive change in you and achieve the goals of your life.

Listen to Subliminal Affirmations When You Are Sleeping 

When you listen to the subliminal affirmations while sleeping, chances are more that they will stay in your subconscious mind for a longer time period. And, when your subconscious mind is exposed to your subliminal affirmations for a longer time period, you will be able to replace your negative mindset with the positive one, quickly. Your mind will be relaxed quickly and you will sleep better to wake up with a fresh mind and a new positive spirit.

Watch Subliminal Messages Flashed on Your PC Screen

The subliminal messages can be transferred to your subconscious mind both through audio clips and visually. So, apart from listening to the audio recording of your subliminal affirmations, you can also watch the quick flashes of your subliminal messages on your computer screen. These subliminal messages will carry your affirmations and when they will be flashed on your computer screen, again and again, the repeated exposure will let your subliminal affirmations reach and affect your subconscious mind without you even realizing it consciously.  And, after some time, you will start feeling that your subliminal affirmations are becoming a reality and you are going to achieve the goal of your life soon.

Listen to Subliminal MP3 While Doing Regular Daytime Work     

Another effective way to use subliminal affirmations to unleash the power of your subconscious mind is listening to the audio recording of your subliminal messages in the background during the daytime while doing the regular household or office work. Keep in mind that this technique will work only when you will listen to the audio recording of your subliminal affirmations repeatedly throughout the day so that they can reach your subconscious mind continuously until it replaces your negative thought patterns with the positive ones completely and you start feeling confident to achieve the goal of your life.

Guided Sound Meditation and Breathing App - Heal My Life

Place Subliminal Notes at Different Locations of Your Home

Placing subliminal notes at different locations of your home is also a great way to let your subconscious mind grab the subliminal affirmations faster and show their effects quicker.

Want to Benefit from Subliminal Messages or Affirmations?

Download HealMyLife App for iOS or HealMyLife App for Android today!  The app lets you record subliminal affirmations for various life goals in your own voice and you can listen to them whenever you want. For more information, visit

Breathing Exercises, Guided Sound Meditation, subliminal affirmations

Role of Subliminal Affirmations & Subconscious Mind in Achieving Your Life Goals

Are you aware of the fact that your subconscious mind is million times more powerful than your conscious mind and there are many ways to use your subconscious mind in order to achieve the goals of your life? Do you know that the subliminal affirmations are the best way to use the power of your subconscious mind to achieve your life goals successfully?

Yes. It’s true. And, that’s why more and more people are today using the subliminal affirmations to reprogram the negative or doubtful thought patterns of their conscious mind in order to achieve various goals of their life such as losing weight, quitting smoking, increasing confidence, getting rid of worries, anxiety etc. But what is the X factor that leads to the successful reprogramming of the negative or doubtful thought patterns of your conscious mind to achieve various life goals? The answer is Meditation.

You need to practice meditation through subliminal affirmations regularly for successful reprogramming of the negative or doubtful thought patterns of your conscious mind. When your practice meditation through subliminal affirmations, the affirmations reach your subconscious mind subliminally (You won’t even realize that!) and the regular exposure of your subliminal mind to these affirmations will make it reprogram the negative or doubtful thought patterns of your conscious mind into the positive ones to make you feel more relaxed, more positive and more confident gradually and help you achieve the goals of your life ultimately. To unleash the power of your subconscious mind with the help of subliminal affirmations, you need to learn and practice meditation through subliminal affirmations.


How to Learn and Practice Meditation through Subliminal Affirmation?

To learn and practice meditation through subliminal affirmations, you simply need to do download Heal My Life App for iOS or Heal My Life App for Android

By using the Heal My Life App, you can easily record subliminal affirmations for various goals of your life in your own voice and listen to them whenever you want you want.

So what are you waiting for? Download Heal My Life App today!

For more information about the Heal My Life App, visit

Breathing Exercises, Guided Sound Meditation, subliminal affirmations

What is the difference between guided meditation and mindfulness meditation?

Guided meditation and mindfulness meditation are two different techniques of meditation.

Guided Meditation

While doing the guided meditation, you have to listen to an audio or video recording wherein a person will guide you for the following purposes:

  • To help you relax or achieve peace of mind
  • To improve your focus or power of concentration
  • To help you overcome anger, anxiety, depression or any other mental or physical disease
  • To help you achieve a specific goal of your life such as achieving success, happiness, personal growth etc.

While doing the guided meditation, all you need to do is listen to the person who is guiding you and follow his/her instructions in order to gain your desired benefit of meditation. Guided meditation is the easiest meditation technique for the beginners due to its ease of learning and practice.

What are Subliminal Affirmations

Mindfulness Meditation

While doing mindfulness meditation, you have to become aware of the present moment while focusing on a specific object and letting all kinds of negative thoughts, ideas, emotions or distractions pass through (without any resistance) as they come into your mind.

  • The mindfulness meditation makes you an aware person.
  • It increases your power of concentration.
  • It teaches you to avoid the all kinds of negative thoughts, emotions or distractions simply by letting them pass through your mind without affecting you at all.
  • The more you practice mindfulness meditation, the more you likely enjoy its benefits.

If you want to learn and practice mindfulness meditation technique or guided meditation technique on your own from the luxury of your home then download the Heal My Life Meditation App for Android or Heal My Life Meditation App of iOS today. To know more about the benefits of downloading the Heal My Life Meditation App, visit