

Self Help Guide for Quick Anxiety Relief in 3 Easy Steps

We all have some kind of worries and fears in our lives. But, when we start worrying and fearing excessively all the time over very small issues or situations, our anxiety leads to panic attacks which disturb our mental well being and disrupt our normal life. The stress of work, education, finances, relationships and social life issues are the biggest causes of anxiety. While the anxiety is a serious mental disease, it can be cured easily with the help of a mental health professional or through self-help therapy.

This blog highlights 3 useful tips to reduce your anxiety through the self-help therapy.

Tip 1

The most effective way to reduce your anxiety is finding out the reasons of your anxiety and writing them on a piece of paper. For example, you could become anxious for reaching late at school, college or office, or for not having enough money to pay your loans or bills, or for having prepared enough to pass your exams or complete an important project or presentation at school, college or work. Write down all the main causes of the anxiety on a piece of paper and try to find out the solutions to address them.

Tip 2

After finding the root causes of your anxiety and the solutions to address them all, you need to divert your mind by keeping yourself busy in the activities that you enjoy. Watch your favorite movie, listen to your favorite song, start drawing and painting, go for a walk, visit your friends and relatives, talk to the people you love the most or go to a gym to work out if you are fitness freak. The more you keep yourself busy in the activities you enjoy the most, the less you are likely to worry or fear.

 Tip 3

The best way to reduce your anxiety is practicing meditation in order to relax your feared, stressed and worried mind. Just by doing some breathing exercises or listening to healing sounds or meditation music for only 15-20 minutes a day, you can get rid of all your anxiety and achieve a complete peace of mind.

If you don’t know how to meditate, download the HealMyLife Meditation App for Android or Heal My Life Meditation App for iOS   to learn and practice meditation from the comfort of your home!

To know more about the Heal My Life Meditation App, visit



How Meditation Helps You to Achieve Success in Life?

Do you want to achieve success in life? Meditation can help you in doing that! Let’s discover why.

Meditation Improves Your Focus & Concentration

In order to achieve success in your life, you need to focus on your goal. With meditation, you can easily improve your focus and concentration and this will ultimately increase your capability to solve all kinds of problems and handle all situations.

Meditation Teaches You to Live In the Present Moment

Meditation teaches you to live in the present moment. This allows you to solve the problem at hand without worrying about what happened in the past and what will happen in the future. By solving all problems one by one as they arisen the path of your goal, you can easily achieve success in life.

Meditation Improves Your Problem Solving Skills

Meditation improves your problems solving skills by increasing your focus and concentration. Thus making you capable of analyzing all kinds of problems and solve them quickly in a holistic way.

Meditation Helps You Alleviate Stress & Tension

Meditation is a great way to alleviate all the stress and tension of your life. And, when you are stress/tension free, you have more energy to deal with the everyday activities, problems and challenges of your life. A life with no stress, tension and worry makes you feel happy. And, when you are happy, it becomes easier for you to put all your efforts in achieving the goals of your life.

Meditation Improves Your Relationships

With meditation, you get to know yourself better. Moreover, you learn to relate with others. With meditation, it becomes easy for you to understand others and you start loving and helping people around you. Thus, meditation not only makes you an easy going person but also improves your relationship with others.

Meditation Makes Your Feel Healthier& Happier

When you start meditation, you begin to realize its benefits after a certain time period. This brings peace, balance, positivity, and satisfaction in your life and you start feeling healthier and happier. And, when you are happier and healthier, you enjoy more chances of getting success in all endeavors of your life.

Want to Learn Meditation?

Download the HealMyLife Meditation App for Android or Heal My Life Meditation App for iOS.

To know more about the Heal My Life Meditation App, visit


How to Practice Meditation through Sounds and Affirmations? A Short Guide for the Beginners!

What is meditation through sound?

Meditation through sound, also known as sound meditation, is the practice of using sounds to clear your mind and bring you into a deep state of meditation. Everyone who wants to enjoy peace of mind or wish to attain a deeply relaxed physical state or aiming for a better intuition and decision making skills can practice sound meditation. While the sound meditation is undoubtedly the easiest meditation technique, many people wrongly consider it as the ability to totally quiet the mind. The reality about the sound meditation is that it helps you directing the flow of your thoughts to the right idea or towards the goal of your life.That’s what your mantras or the chosen sounds are for.

When you meditate through sound, your thoughts are full of mantras or chosen sounds only and this prevents the daily difficulties from entering into your mind and disturbing its peace.

How to do meditation through sounds?

In order to meditate through sounds, you simply need to listen to the essential sounds of the nature or any kind of soothing or relaxing music, which are also known as mantras. While listening to the chosen sounds or music, try to‘see’ the sounds. When you really experience it, you will see that the sounds come in all shapes, movements, colors, and waves. Repeating the mantras or sounds will disconnect your mind from the worries, troubles, negative thoughts and problems of your daily life. The vibrations produced by your chosen sounds or mantras for meditation will also help your mind, body and soul to relax.

What are the benefits of sound meditation?

As already mentioned in the previous paragraph, you can choose to meditate through soundsin order to disconnect your mind from the worries, troubles, negative thoughts and problems of your daily life.The sound meditation also helps in reducing the stress by the vibrations your body experiences by pronouncing the chosen sounds of nature or mantras.  So, you can meditate through sounds on a daily basis in order to reduce your stress, decrease your anxiety and anger, and alleviate the stress related health problems like headaches, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes etc. The sound meditation will also help you in attaining peace of mind and stimulate you intuition.

To avail the numerous benefits of sound meditation and subliminal affirmations, download the HealMyLife Meditation App for Android or Heal My Life Meditation App for iOS   

To know more about the Heal My Life Meditation App, visit


Mindful Breathing Exercises – The Best Way to Overcome Stress Related Health Problems


Are you looking for the some tips to overcome stress, anger, anxiety, depression or any other stress related health problems like panic attacks, headaches, and obesity or digestive problems?

Look no further than practicing mindful breathing exercises regularly.

Here are 3 best breathing exercises and techniques that can prove useful in relaxing your mind and body and reduce stress and stress related health problems. Try each of the following breathing exercises to experience how they help you reduce stress and stress related health problems.

The Stimulating Breathing Exercise  

When done properly, the stimulating breathing exercise helps in increasing your energy levels and alertness.

How to do stimulating breathing exercise?  

  • Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. Your breaths in and out should be equal in duration, but as short as possible. This is a noisy breathing exercise.
  • Try for 3 in-and-out breath cycles per second. This produces a quick movement of the diaphragm, suggesting a bellows. Breathe normally after each cycle.
  • Do not do for more than 15 seconds on your first try. Each time you practice the Stimulating Breath, you can increase your time by 5 seconds or so, until you reach a full minute.

The Relaxing Breathing Exercise

When done properly, the relaxing breathing exercise helps in overcoming stress, anxiety and tension. This exercise is also helpful in alleviating your sleeping problems.

How to do relaxing breathing exercise?

  • Sit back straight. Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of tissue just behind your upper teeth. Keep it there during the entire exercise.
  • You will be exhaling through your mouth around your tongue.
  • Now exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
  • Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of 4.
  • Hold your breath for a count of 7.
  • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of 8.
  • This is 1 breath. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle 3 more times for a total of 4 breaths.

The Breath Counting Breathing Exercise

The breath counting breathing exercise is the best form for meditation. You can practice this breathing exercise whenever you feel stressed or anxious before an important task or event.

How to do breath counting breathing exercise?

  • Sit straight. Gently close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
  • Now let the breath come naturally without trying to influence it.
  • To begin the exercise, count “1” to yourself as you exhale.
  • The next time you exhale, count “2,” and so on up to “5.”
  • Then begin a new cycle, counting “1” on the next exhalation.

Note: Never count higher than “5” and count only when you exhale. You will know your attention has wandered when you find yourself up to “8,” “12,” even “19.”

Best Mobile App to Practice Breathing Exercises 

For guided sound meditation sessions or sound healing through music, nature sounds, cosmic sounds and Buddhist mantras, you can download HealMyLife Sound Healing App for Android or Heal My Life Sound Healing App for iOS.

To know more the Heal My Life Sound Healing and Guided Meditation App, please visit


How to Avail the Benefits of Sound Healing & Music Therapy?


The benefits of sound healing or music therapy are many and very diverse. Each type of sound or music has a unique effect on your mind. For example, a soothing OM sound makes you calm, composed and relaxed. A harsh sound makes you worried and anxious. A motivational sound or music makes you active and energetic. The sound healing or music therapy has a positive effect on almost every area of your well-being. It makes you a calm and relaxed. It helps you get rid of anger, anxiety, worries, and sadness. It makes you more active and more energetic. The sound healing or music therapy can also helps you in getting a perfect night sleep. It can better your mood. It can help you overcome fatigue. It can make you focused towards the goal of your life. And, it can help you achieve your goal of life as well.

Listening to the sound meditation audios are the best way to get the numerous and diverse benefits of sound healing or music therapy. These sound meditation audios could include either a guided sound meditation session or a healing mantra or music or both. The biggest benefit of using sound meditation audios is that it neither requires you to have prior knowledge of meditation nor it requires you to join a meditation center or hire a meditation expert.  Thus, listening to the sound meditation audios are the easiest way to practice meditation and gain its numerous benefits. A sound meditation session of half an hour everyday is enough to avail the numerous and diverse benefits of sound healing or music therapy.

For guided sound meditation sessions or sound healing through music, nature sounds, cosmic sounds and Buddhist mantras, you can download Heal My Life Sound Healing App for Android or Heal My Life Sound Healing App for iOS.

To know more the Heal My Life Sound Healing and Guided Meditation App, please visit